The primary mission of the Anthropology Club is to spread awareness of anthropology as a discipline, with a focus on our local area and how they connect with one another. We seek to instill within our membership a greater level of appreciation for our local area and the indigenous peoples who have called it home for thousands of years and continue to do so to the present day. We seek to establish a connection between place and people, and, in a broader sense, to educate members, regardless of their chosen major or field of study, on what anthropology is and what it is not, and how the discipline directly affects everyone.
As a registered student club at Washington State University’s Vancouver campus, we adhere to the University’s Non-Discrimination Policy. This club provides equal treatment and opportunity to all persons without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, genetic information, disability, or veteran status except where such distinction is required by law. Additionally, the Office of Student Involvement prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.
Membership is open to all students currently or formerly enrolled at the Vancouver campus of Washington State University, and alumni and faculty participation is highly encouraged. Students who have already graduated are more than welcome to be a part of the general membership of the club but shall not be considered for a place on the Board of Directors. All voices and opinions are welcome in the club, and anything that needs to be attended to immediately should be brought to the attention of the Board of Directors. Members who are active in the club are entitled to include such membership on resumes and applications.