Evolutionary approach to knowledge specialists, such as shamans and healers.
Hagen EH, Garfield, ZH, Lightner AD 2025. Headmen, shamans, and mothers: Natural and sexual selection for computational services. Evolution and Human Behavior. | |
LNK | Lightner AD and Hagen EH 2022. All models are wrong, and some are religious: Supernatural explanations as abstract and useful falsehoods about complex realities. Human Nature. |
Lightner AD, Garfield ZH, Hagen EH 2021. Religion: The WEIRDest concept in the world? Religion, Brain, and Behavior. | |
Lightner AD, Heckelsmiller C, Hagen EH 2021. Ethnomedical specialists and their supernatural theories of disease. Review of Philosophy and Psychology (under review). | |
Lightner AD, Heckelsmiller C, Hagen EH 2021. Ethnoscientific expertise and knowledge specialisation in 55 traditional cultures. Evolutionary Human Sciences. |